Hawaiian Energetics

Hawaiian Energetics is a non-invasive gentle, yet highly effective way of healing.  Based in the ancient living and healing ways of Hawaii, Hawaiian Energetics uses the energy of the elements for healing, and balancing a body spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.  Living, relating, and breathing with ease is a divine right we all deserve. 

Hawaiian Energetics

Hawaiian Energetics is an energy treatment. It was created with the ancient Hawaiian traditions originally used by the medical Kahuna. They believed that we have 3 bodies and when working with them, can help a person be healthier. These bodies are the physical, etheric, and astral. 

The ancient Hawaiians used the qualities of the elements Fire, Water, Air, and Earth to relieve pain, stress, and help to bring balance to those they worked with.

The elements are the building blocks of the physical realities we exist in. All of creation is comprised of various forms and combination of these elemental energies. As the qualities and strengths of the elements interplay with the spiritual aspects of the universe, the formations of our lives develop. Our continued healthy functioning is regulated by these same universal forces. The kahuna of Hawaii have a timeless understanding and respect for these universal laws.

Hawaiian Energetics provides a way of healing, living, and understanding the world around us in a deep and connected way. Because it is based in the ancient living and healing ways of Hawaii, Hawaiian Energetics assists seekers of aloha, of healing, and those who want to develop skills, a way to find that connection with the environment and society. Living, relating, and breathing with ease is a divine right we all share and can provide for each other. 

I have been studying Hawaiian Energetics for 15 years and give treatments in my office. Those of you who know about Reiki understand energy healing. I am also a Reiki/Master teacher. I believe that both modalities are wonderful when it comes to alleviating discomfort and bringing more equilibrium to clients. There is a difference between Hawaiian Energetics and Reiki. Hawaiian Energetics can work with more specific issues using the qualities of the elements on organs, bones, muscles, etc. as well as the whole body.

Anyone interested in Learning about these Healing Arts, contact me and I will let you know when I offer workshops, or contact me for a private appointment.